Today the Closed-End Real Estate Alternative Investment Fund named “Venus” and managed by Kryalos SGR has completed the acquisition of two Last Mile logistics properties with a total area of ​​17,000 sqm.

The first property is located in Crespellano, near Bologna, and is leased to an international company of primary standing active in e-commerce; the second building, on the other hand, is located near Prato, inside the freight village, just 25 km from the center of Florence. For the latter asset, the definition of a lease agreement with the seller, a leading international 3PL operator, is envisaged at the same time as the purchase. The properties are served by a total of 40 loading bays.

The two assets acquired increase the Last Mile logistics portfolio held by Venus fund, consisting of 9 properties located mainly in Northern Italy, close to important cities that reach millions of habitants, for a total area of ​​approximately 200,000 sqm.

“The acquisition of this portfolio – said Paolo Bottelli, CEO of Kryalos SGR – confirms our interest in Last Mile logistics, one of the most promising sectors of the real estate market. The assets located near urban centers and in strategic locations characterized by a high level of connectivity, in fact allow logistics operators to implement distribution processes making them more efficient, as required by current market logic. These properties therefore represent very interesting investment opportunities”.

Barabino & Partners
Claudio Cosetti
Tel. 02 72023535 - Cell. 335 7491683

Raffaella Ciafardini
Kryalos SGR S.p.A.
Tel. 02 92947100 - Cell. 334 9953902